First Home Owner and Construction Grants

July 30th, 2020

First home buyers and the construction industry will benefit greatly from the elimination of stamp duty on newly-built homes below $800,000 and a reduction in thousands of dollars for properties up to $1 million.

Premier Gladys Berejiklian said the change to stamp duty thresholds would also support new home construction and create jobs as part of the Government’s COVID-19 Recovery Plan.

“Thousands of people will see their bank balances benefit from this change – it will help get more keys into more front doors of more new homes,” Ms. Berejiklian said.

“It will also boost housing construction across NSW and support jobs in the building industry at a time when we need them more than ever before.”

Under the changes, the threshold above which stamp duty will be charged on new homes for first home buyers will increase from the current $650,000 to $800,000, with the concession reducing on higher values before phasing out at $1 million.

The Government forecasts more than 6,000 first home buyers will benefit from the changes, saving eligible first home buyers thousands of dollars.

Under the changes, the stamp duty threshold on vacant land will rise from $350,000 to $400,000 and will phase out at $500,000. The change to the thresholds will only apply to newly-built homes and vacant land, not to existing homes, and will last for a 12-month period, commencing on 1 August 2020.

The NSW Government will also continue to offer a $10,000 First Home Owner Grant, which is available to people buying a new first home worth no more than $600,000, or buying land and building a new first home worth no more than $750,000 in total. This means the maximum amount of benefit a homeowner could be entitled to be $32,335 if purchasing a new home and accessing the grant.

Related Links

Deposit Support Schemes
First Home Owner Grant (New Homes) Act 2000
View the State Revenue and Fines Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous) Act 2022

One Reply to “First Home Owner and Construction Grants”

  1. This is good news for those that were thinking they would have to delay due to the health and economic crisis.
    Nice to hear about some stability for everyday people.

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