What’s A BIMBY

February 27th, 2024

The BPS newsletter goes out to just under two thousand people and has been going for nearly fifteen years. It has a 45% open-and-read rate which compares well with the industry standard of 5%. However, it has become clear it has two distinct readerships. The back end of the platform tells me people mainly open Market Watch and Hot Property. These will remain the main focus of future BPS newsletters.

Some just open for the jokes and thank you, stay with us. The second group is mainly locals who want news about local politics and council news, housing issues and possible solutions, controversial DAs and developments. These readers will be at home switching to the new Facebook Page, BIMBY: Byron In My Back Yard. 


What is BIMBY about?

BIMBY aims to dig down into the crucial debate facing this shire and the Northern Rivers. That is whether to protect it from overdevelopment or create more diverse housing options. Two sides are emerging that represent these alternative views. NIMBYs, Not in My Back Yard, are usually older, settled, and protective of the environment and heritage. YIMBYs take an opposing view saying Yes in My Back Yard. They are younger and see themselves locked out of the housing market or able to access reasonable rentals.

BIMBY sees that both camps have positives and negatives and it should not be a binary choice necessary to take sides. The truth is usually in the middle and more nuanced and hopefully BIMBY will be a neutral platform where different opinions can be aired.

The aim is to have more BYRON in our backyards. To keep Byron special and unique is a priority. This is also the voiced aim of many NIMBYs who want to stop development and keep Byron as it is. We do not think that is possible anymore but admit it did work for a while. Pulling up the drawbridge will deliver us the worst possible outcome: a monoculture of well-off and retirees in which young people must commute from afar to clean houses and serve us coffee.

We are also not YIMBY, although we understand and support this growing movement. It is for young people who feel left out of the housing debate and are getting a bad deal as renters. Their situation is neatly put together in this book, Generation F’d. We will take a page out of the YIMBY playbook and hope to influence policy and debate. We are not alone in the world with this problem. BIMBY will share how other over-loved communities are attempting to solve similar issues.


How will BIMBY be effective?

The BIMBY FB page is the start and could branch out into other platforms. It will be a place where news and views about the housing debate can be shared and monitored. It will take an interest in the upcoming council elections this September. Elections are a contest of ideas and BIMBY will attempt to canvass all candidates on their views on housing and related matters.


Who is BIMBY?

BIMBY is volunteer, unpaid, and takes no sponsorship. At present, yours truly, Michael Murray, is the main moderator and others will be contributing as well. Feel free to send in opinions, stories about other housing initiatives, or other commentaries.  The FB page consults and listens to a wide range of views from respected local architects, planners, and housing industry professionals.

Hope you enjoy it, join up, and look forward to talking more on the BIMBY Facebook page!

2 Replies to “What’s A BIMBY”

  1. Good Article Michael. It is a sad state of affairs when our essential workers, have to live outside of our beautiful Shire and drive to work each day in Byron, Mullum and Bangalow. We need to keep it beautiful , but not only for the rich and famous. We need some housing for workers and recognise that it is not sustainable for so many of these workers to have to live outside our Shire yet travel here each day to work.

    1. Thanks for post Ray. Sorry it took so long to see it. I have been undwer seige from Russian bots who are spamming me.

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