Farewell Simon

May 3rd, 2021

farewell simon

Farewell Simon

2021-05-03 02:31

Simon Richardson has been the Byron Bay mayor for 9 years and has 15 years on council in total. He retired on the 30th of April.

It is a tough job being a councillor and an even tougher job being Mayor. Simon has weathered the criticism and knockbacks better than most, but I am sure it has not been easy. His partner, Jane died of cancer in 2019 leaving Simon a single Dad of two young girls. He often came to events and functions with the two girls in tow.

It’s hard to know why local politics in this shire is such a blood sport. All four Green councillors with Simon’s leadership have done a good job under trying circumstances. As we head into the next local election in September we should reflect on whether we still want to keep doing local politics this way.  The excuse that we have a committed and passionate community does not mean that we should attach people with vindictiveness and rancour.

Farewell Siman and thanks for all the fish.

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