Have a Reality Check with NRCF

May 3rd, 2021

reality check

Have a Reality Check with NRCF

2021-05-03 02:33

The Northern Rivers Community Foundation is a well respected local organisation that has been active in the community for many years. Their annual grants program has a great track record supporting local groups and causes. The wider community owes a debt of gratitude to outgoing CEO, John Callanan (pictured). John has led the organisation for eight years and is leaving it in a very strong position. The incoming head is Nicole Weber.

To their credit, they have now recognised the dire need with the local housing crisis and have opened a special fund to focus on this issue. Many readers of this newsletter are previous clients or local property owners in the area. Many have benefited from the massive recent increase in property prices. Those that are missing out are the long term residents like musicians, artists and the casually employed who are the ones who mainly give our region its colour and flavour. These people need our support.

NRCF has made two donation options available: IMPACT NOW is a fund that will assist existing local support organisations to keep doing their vital work. LONGER TERM HOUSING SOLUTIONS will work with partners to make affordable housing a reality.

Please donate to the Housing Fund and help grow affordable and low-cost housing in our region. I have come to accept the reality that waiting for any level of government to achieve productive outcomes in this space is wishful thinking. Individuals joining together and making things happen is our best option.

NRCF – Housing Fund

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