HTW Punts Byron for Granny Flats and Renos

July 11th, 2020

htw article


HTW Punts Byron for Granny Flats and Renos

2020-07-11 05:59

Herron Todd White’s latest residential report has focused on two areas of Byron Shires’ property market and one negative. The negative example is no longer relevant as they were comparing February listings with April sales. The opportunities it highlighted were also options that are well accepted locally. Buying well and doing a renovation has a potential upside if you keep within budget. Also, it pointed out that the ability to get approval to build a studio or granny flat has the potential to provide an 11% return. You can read more about the bleedin’ obvious here. But also take note of Byron Council’s approval moratorium in the ATT article, advising against building additions that are not council approved.




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