Rockpool Farm, 84 Fowlers Lane, Bangalow

February 3rd, 2025

Rockpool Farm, 84 Fowlers Lane, Bangalow

2025-02-03 10:43

Rockpool Farm at 84 Fowlers Lane, Bangalow, has been sold to local identity Tom Misner. The rural property on 15 acres has three dwellings, ten bedrooms and seven bathrooms. It sold for $15 million, which is a new Bangalow record.

Tom Misner is a long-term resident of Byron Shire with a history of buying and selling local luxury real estate. In the 90s, he developed the SAE media school on Ewingsdale Road. It was the world HQ of SAE (School of Audio Engineering), which he sold for close to 1 billion dollars.

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